About Itknet databank
June 23, 2008 – 11:31 am | Comments Off on About Itknet databank

ITKNET is an International Network of institutions and experts on Traditional Knowledge, created during the Major Conference:


– An international Network of experts on Traditional Knowledge for a common strategy
that took place on …

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Innovative techniques

Pilot projects




Best Pratices


Sustainable Tecnologies

Pilot projects, Water »

Le Qânat byzantin de AinTaybeh Monastery Saint James the Mutilated
March 15, 2009 – 10:42 pm | Comments Off on Le Qânat byzantin de AinTaybeh Monastery Saint James the Mutilated

Syria – Qara – Le Qânat byzantin de AinTaybeh

Monastery Saint James the Mutilated, Le Maison d’Antioche Institute

Partner 6 – MAR YACOUB

The Monastery of St. James the Mutilated was undergoing serious degradation. It is provided with a traditional water system dating back to the Bizantine times, this was and still is the water gathering and distribution of the monastery and its fields and gardens.


In year 2000 the underground tunnels, the foggara, started to dry up. A lot of work has been done to restore them, there is a need to develop and restore the ancient structures to preserve the traditional techniques. There is also a need to disseminate in the local communitites the knowledge of their importance and value.

Thanks to the restoration of the water supplying systems it will be possible for the monastery to implement its project of developing medicinal crops in the fields, these types of plants need little water and maintenance.

The future project is also to restore the entire oasis of Qara and to transform iti nto an ecological village.

We need to preserve the traditional techniques in order to preserve the memory of the past and set the bases for the future.



In year 2000 the qanat starts to dry up


Desperate situation


Temporary solutions


Proper intervention



Rehabilitation of an abandoned oasis
March 15, 2009 – 10:27 pm | Comments Off on Rehabilitation of an abandoned oasis
Rehabilitation of an abandoned oasis

Algeria, ECO-KSAR Amguide: project for the rehabilitation of an abandoned oasis
Partner 2 – SUD TIMMI
Partner SUD TIMMI bought a piece of land which had been abandoned and today is a desert, but was once …

Self-building using bamboo
March 15, 2009 – 8:26 pm | Comments Off on Self-building using bamboo
Self-building using bamboo

The habitat in developing countries. Self-building using bamboo. The case of Guayaquil, Ecuador Author: Tomaso Bozzalla
The author participated to the building and auto-construction of low cost houses in bamboo for the …

Using Bamboo in building construction: experimental analysis
March 15, 2009 – 8:18 pm | Comments Off on Using Bamboo in building construction: experimental analysis
Using Bamboo in building construction: experimental analysis

Author: Francesca Parotti

Wanting to study an alternative and sustainable material for construction, the author has analyzed several aspects of bamboo structures and joints with the aim of designing simple kinds of joints to be realized …

Sustainable technologies and tradition in the land of the Maasai
March 15, 2009 – 8:07 pm | Comments Off on Sustainable technologies and tradition in the land of the Maasai
Sustainable technologies and tradition in the land of the Maasai

Author:Anna Toso

As a consequence of voluntary work in Tanzania, the author witnessed the difficulty of the Maasai population in adapting to the social-economical changes due to modernization. To the pastoral activity, once the principal …

ABC for green purchase in Civil Service
March 15, 2009 – 7:58 pm | Comments Off on ABC for green purchase in Civil Service
ABC for green purchase in Civil Service

ABC for green purchase in Civil Service
Coordinator: Arch. Riccardo Pozzi, published by the Agenda21 network of the Region of Tuscany
Available at http://agende21toscana.comune.fi.it

Aim of the publication:
Provide information for Civil Service employees and for citizens
1- Regulations …

Pot-in-pot cooler, food storage
March 15, 2009 – 7:51 pm | Comments Off on Pot-in-pot cooler, food storage
Pot-in-pot cooler, food storage

Manufacturer: local potters Nigeria, 1995 Earthenware, sand, water Dimensions: 16” to 22” diameter In use in: Cameroon, Tchad, Niger, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Burkina …

Valorisation of the “organic component of urban solid waste
March 15, 2009 – 7:44 pm | Comments Off on Valorisation of the “organic component of urban solid waste
Valorisation of the “organic component of urban solid waste

Valorisation of the “organic component of urban solid waste” through the processes of composting and anaerobic digestion, the case of Ambanja, Madagascar
Authors: Alberto Panissidi, Diego Quarta

Part of a project called “Progetto Madagascar-Ambanja” by Ingegneria Senza …

Waste with love
March 15, 2009 – 7:00 pm | Comments Off on Waste with love
Waste with love

Author: Publink, a workgroup of designers who work for a sustainable future

“Waste with love” is a project that wants to awake people’s awareness on the necessity of reducing waste. It consists in modifying the …

Infiltration floor
March 15, 2009 – 6:43 pm | Comments Off on Infiltration floor
Infiltration floor

Cuando llueve en la ciudad, las superficies impermeables como el asfalto o el cemento repelen el agua y la mandan directamente a las alcantarillas. Con este pavimento el suelo de las ciudades se mantiene …

Design of technologies
March 15, 2009 – 6:33 pm | Comments Off on Design of technologies
Design of technologies

The Water: resource projects for the Subsaharan region
Author: Alessia Giuntini
The author decided to analyse the problem of the scarcity of water in Angola:



5.Traditional techniques for water management

Proposed solutions:

