Saturday, February 15, 2025


The participants in the consortium are the following:


IPOGEA – Italian  Research Center on Tradidional and Local Knowlodge 


acts as project coordinator


University / research center


Via Conservatoria S.n, 75100 Matera, Italy



Web site


Mr. Pietro Laureano,
Position: Prof.
Phone/fax: +39 0835 331851, +39 0835 331603

was founded in Matera in 1993 at the same time the initiatives for the inscription of the Sassi of Matera on the UNESCO World Heritage List were undertaken. IPOGEAcarries out activities concerning the safeguard, the enhancement, the research and the training in historic centres, archaeological and environment restoration as well as ecosystem protection. IPOGEAis recognised by the European Union as the body par excellence for the safeguard and the enhancement of European Cultural Heritage. 

IPOGEA is associate member of ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property ). 

– Ipogea organized for UNCCD and the Ministry of Environment, The International Forum on European Policies to Combat Desertification in the Mediterranean Basin – Policies and Measures to Combat Desertification in the Mediterranean Basin, Local and Traditional Knowledge for the Management and Preservation of Nature’s Resources that was held from 29th to 31stOctober 1998 in Matera in order to make scientific remarks and co-ordinate the operational actions among the Mediterranean countries (UNCCD Annex IV). 

Within the framework of UNCCD national action programme (Nap) two meetings of the ad hoc panel on traditional knowledge have been organized in Matera, Italy, respectively in July 1999 and May 2000, with the scientific support and in close collaboration with IPOGEA
Relating to the theme of desertification Ipogea has carried out for Enea and Apat (Italian Governmental Research organisms) the following studies:
§         Analysis of factors linked to biodiversity in areas affected by desertification and worsening phenomena
§         Feasible study of a programme to mitigate desertification and worsening phenomena in MURGE of Lucania and Apulia
§         Study for realization of an interactive data base on traditional knowledge to combat desertification in Italy

2. Algeria

Sarl Société Sud Timmi – Adrar 




Region Est Zone Agrinage – Route de Raggan



Contact BENHASSAN, Abdelkarim (Mr)

Sarl Société Sud Timmi has a large and consolidate experience in the field of application of traditional techniques in Algerian Sahara.

1995 – Realization of works of Tilane FOGGARA – Adrar
1997 – Realization of works of Amiguid FOGGARA – Adrar
1999 – Realization of works for Meraguene FOGGARA – Adrar
2000 – Realization of works for Ouled Bohufas Commun FOGGARA – Adrar
SUD Timmi is currently participating in the INCOMED Project entitled Inventory, analysis and valorization of traditional water techniques of European and Saharan drainage tunnels (granted by European Commission)
3. Marocco

 University Moulay Ismaïl – Meknes


University / research center
Address Présidence, Marjane 2, BP:298, Meknes, MAROC
Country Morocco
Web site
Contact Mr. ,
Phone/fax: 055 467 306, 055 467 305

University of Meknès has a large experience in the “interdisciplinary research-development programmes applied to arid and semi-arid areas”, namely in Tafilalet and Ziz oasis”. It is currently participating in the INCOMED Project entitled Inventory, analysis and valorization of traditional water techniques of European and Saharan drainage tunnels (granted by European Commission)

4. Tunisia

Institut des Régions Arides – Medenine


Research center
Country Tunisia
Web site

The Arid Regions Institute is internationally known as a Research and training institute specialised on desertification and agriculture and environment in arid lands. The Institute has five Scientific divisions (departments): Human and economic sciences; Environment and earth sciences; animal sciences; Crops sciences; livestock and naturals vegetation Sciences. The researchers of the Institute have several cooperation projects with bilateral and international organisations (EEC, FAO,UNDP,UNEP, ASDI, ICARDA etc.). The Arid Regions Institute is currently participating in the INCOMED Project entitled Inventory, analysis and valorization of traditional water techniques of European and Saharan drainage tunnels (granted by European Commission)

5. Spain

University of Valencia, Department of Geography – Valencia



University / Research center


Av. Blasco Ibañez, 28
46010 Valencia



Web site



The old "Estudi General de València" initially dedicated to the study of medicine, humanities, theology and law, has today become a modern European University, open to the culture of practically every branch of teaching.

Currently, the University of Valencia, with more than three thousand researchers, who make up 82 departments belonging to the social, biomedical, human, experimental and formal sciences, stands out as one of the main public research organisations in Spain. Along with the human resources, the magnitude of its facilities and the available up-to-date instrumental equipment guarantee the quality of a vast scientific and technologic offer to the service of society.
The University of Valencia puts its support and scientific and technologic consulting resources -a network of institutes, of our own or contracted, an office for the transference of technology (OTRI) and several Central Services- within the reach of the scientific community, the institutions and the industry.
In fact, the University of Valencia has participated and is participating in several European projects under the subsequent RTD European Framework Programmes (I to V) and other European Programmes / Actions: ERASMUS, SOCRATES, LEONARDO, INTAS, Community action programme "AIDS and other communicable diseases",.acting through several roles: coordinator, contractor, associated contractor, member, host institution,.having experience in the development and management of European Projects.
University of Valencia is currently participating in the INCOMED Project entitled Inventory, analysis and valorization of traditional water techniques of European and Saharan drainage tunnels (granted by European Commission)

Monastery Saint James the Mutilated – Le Maison d’ Aantioche Institute QARA-Syria

The monastery possess a byzantine Qânat of the 5th century and promotes important work of ecological sustainable development, based essentially on hydraulical ressources: qânats, artesiain wells, natural reserves, etc.